Workshops & Talks

For 2019 we are taking a break from the workshops day. Please take a look at what was on offer though in 2018 to whet your appetite for futures years 

Workshops 2018

The workshops will take place on Saturday the 14th July. The day will run as follows...


Welcome and refreshments in the barn

9.30 - 12
First workshop

Please choose from one of the following:

1. Flora and Fauna identification with Richard Brown from Emorsgate Seeds 
2. Introduction to scything with Chris Riley
3. Weaving with Richard Moriarty **ONE SPACE REMAINING**

Tea and Coffee in the barn

Breaktime talk with Simon Fairlie on Micro and Small scale Dairying and the environmental, ecological and welfare benefits of these systems


Second workshop

Please choose from one of the following:

1. Herbal medicine in the meadows with Heather Ware and Helen Rideout
2. Dry Stone walling with Dave Purvis
3. Pottery with Ken Jaquiery

Tea and Coffee in the barn (and cake!)

Breaktime talk with Andy Swinscoe from the Courtyard Dairy on Artisan Cheesemaking

5.30 - round up of the day and a big thank you for coming along!

Day ends at 6pm phewf!


Morning Workshops

Flora and Fauna identification - Richard Brown from Emorsgate Seeds

An introduction to the different wildflowers that you may typically find in an upland hay meadow.

Species rich hay meadows are also brilliant for bumblebees! Learn how to identify these fascinating creatures in their favourite habitat. This introduction will include an insight into their lifecycle and forage preferences with helpful tips and hints on how to recognise and photograph or record different species in the field. Find out what’s best to plant in your garden to help support these really special pollinators. Richard will also be talking about how the use of the scythe can help in the management of wildflower meadows.

Introduction to Scything with Chris Riley

This half day introduction to scything will teach you the basics of how to set up and mow with an Austrian Scythe. The Austrian scythe has become very popular in the UK in recent years due to its ease of use. It is a great tool for gardeners and smallholders alike, reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and noise pollution.

Weaving with Richard Moriarty


Richard is a hand weaver – he doesn’t use powered looms. Richard’s weaving comes from the heart and the patterns are created by manual selection of warp and weft on small looms or by changing shafts on the loom by pressing treadles by foot on his larger floor looms. These are heritage skills that you can’t replicate in a factory. Richard is passionate about making a stand to protect the planet as well as creating beautiful, ethically produced, pure wool, hand woven tartans, textiles, garments and art work. Richard’s love of weaving and of nature shows in the things that he makes and the beautiful pastel colours of the pure Shetland wool he uses in his products. Richard loves to create freehand tapestries. No drawing of complicated design cartoons and then trying to follow them, it is much more fun to let the design develop as you weave it. It is definitely fun and he’ll show you how you can make a simple tapestry loom and get started for yourself.

Afternoon Workshops

Herbal Medicine with Heather Ware and Helen Rideout

A mixture of practical and theoretical herbal learning experiences suitable for those with previous knowledge of herbal medicine and the total beginner alike. Will include:

A guided herb walk around the meadows

Exploring plant identification, properties, uses and folk history

Carefully gathering some of the beautiful herbs to make medicines with.

An experiential herb study with one of the herbs we've gathered.

Making a tincture and a herbal infused vinegar. You'll take home hand-outs with instructions on how to make these and other herbal preparations.

Drystone Walling with Dave Purvis

Join Dave and his colleague on this practical and informative workshop on drystone walling, the wonderful craft which is so distinctive of the Yorkshire Dales. The workshop will include a walk and talk with Tom Lord, the farmer at Lower Winskill who also has a huge depth of knowledge on drystone walls, their history and the many differing styles. Some of the walls on the farm date back to the 14th century. After the walk, you will tackle a section of fallen down wall and learn how to make a strong and very hardwearing construction. The skills you learn on this workshop can then be applied to garden structures as well as repairing and building walls.

Pottery with Ken Jacquiery

Ken will lead the pottery workshop once again this year. This time we will be working together on a collaborative project to create a ceramic frieze in one of the barns at Lower Winskill. The idea is that you will make tiles decorated with grasses and flowers from the meadows which will then be fired and glazed by Ken at a later date before being installed as a permanent display for passers by to see in the ancient "Great Barn" at the farm. You will also get the chance to decorate and fire premade pots with grasses and flowers in Ken's home made smoke kiln, the grand reveal taking place in the early evening on Saturday.



Micro and small scale dairying with Simon Fairlie from Monkton Wyld Court, Dorset

Simon runs a micro dairy in Dorset where he milks three Jersey cows and provide all the necessary dairy for a community of 12 adults and their families, including cheese, milk, yoghurt and butter. The cows are fed over winter from the hay which is made by hand using scythes, from the meadows surrounding the farm buildings. Simon will talk about the impact of this small scale system on the animals, their environment and the people who benefit from the wonderful milk which the cows share with the community.

Artisan Cheesemaking with Andy Swinscoe from the Courtyard Dairy, Settle

Andy runs the Courtyard Dairy in Settle who specialise in cheeses made in the UK and Europe by artisan cheesemakers who hold the environment and the impact this has on the milk and therefore the cheese they make, at the heart of what they do. He will talk about why it is so important to support the work of these small scale, artisan cheesemakers.